Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Wispy Hummers - Jakarta (video)

a music video for the song Jakarta by singer/songwriter Joan Lumanauw (The Wispy Hummers) from
her upcoming album.

The song will also be featured as the Theme Song for the upcoming feature film directorial debut of Kartika Jahja, "Moonlight and the Company You Keep" written by Paul Agusta.

This music video directed by Paul Agusta and Kartika Jahja features scenes from the film's trailer shot by XJ Chin and Produced by Kyo Hayanto.

Starring Oscar, Bianca Timmerman, Tejo Aribowo, Christine Evans, Melisa Indrajaya, Fahmi Diggie Tjondrowahyudi, Yogi D. Sumule, and William Patrick Wijaya.

* text taken from the youtube's information

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