Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Palo Verde

if you like Shellac and Black Sabbath, you'll love this metal/sludge/noise duo Palo Verde from Portland.

 PALO VERDE is a highly improvisational all-female, metal/sludge/noise duo from Portland OR. The band initially formed as experimental double-drum duo called Stick-It-In but evolved into the current improvisational guitar/drums incarnation. Since 2006, they have performed extensively in the Northwest and throughout the U.S., sharing the stage with bands such as Jucifer, Thrones, Black Elk, Japanther, and Kusikia. Drummer Lauren K also plays guitar in the blistering LKN.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

OK Go - Needing/Getting (video)

They're doing it again, this time with car and a route full of instruments. Go watch it yourself.